Friday, 15 December 2006

Don't mess with my toot toot

There have been many pop stars joining in on politics, most of it I think is a bit self serving.  However, just to surprise the hell out of me, girls aloud have joined in with an excellent contribution - I found myself agreeing with them (apart from the grammar schools...)...
check it out:

Thursday, 14 December 2006

Yeah, right - taxes for children!

The Conservatives have rightly pointed out that children brought up in single-parent households are more likely to do less-well or cause trouble.  SC agrees there is greater potential, but as the product of divorced parents, also thinks it doesn't necessarily have to be.
However, Davo thinks that they can fix the problem by bringing back the married family tax allowance.  Yeah, right - cos lots of families break up because they are paying too much tax.....
I can see how if you are used to staying together through thi c k and thin for the sake of the estate, this might actually look like a real policy - in truth it's just spin over substance in a way the Labour Party has never managed!

Wednesday, 13 December 2006

Fantasy Congress

Anyone fancy starting a team?  Often wondered if this was possible.  I was musing the other night about how you could organise a Politician transfer market?  Might create a more engaging way for people to connect to what happens in the House.

Thursday, 7 December 2006

oh per(leese)

The North West Regional Assembly are trumpeting their appointment of Richard Leese, Manchester's excellent Labour leader as the new chair of the Housing Board.  Hopefully, for a better reason than it makes a good headline:
boom boom


On this day in 1955 Attlee resigned as Labour leader.  This great man was fed up of constant comments about his resignation.....
He was replaced by a right-winger who had the support of the trade unions, Gaitskell.  He was also the guy who introduced new charges for NHS spectacles and dentures.......
Can't believe a right-wing blogger hasn't picked up on the similarities yet......

Wednesday, 6 December 2006

something else...

Final thought - Finland is the only country to have repaid its WW2 reparations!  As a point of honour, they went through a massive industrialisation to grow the economy and raise the money and pay the debt.  The Russians actually blamed them for starting WW2!!!!

Finnish Independence Day

It's Finnish Inependence Day today. More People live in London than there are Fins, in fact more Fins probably live in London than in Finland, but I loved the country when I was there and feel a great deal of loyalty to it. Exceptional people and very clean and environmental living. (By clean I mean healthy!)
Interestingly I was minor guest of honour at the city's independence day celebrations - was there on exchange so hadn't thought to bring any posh clothing - all I had was one smart blue shirt and a tie. Didn't think there was anything wrong but people kept looking at me funny.
Later discovered that my blue shirt and yellow tie looked great as a swedish flag - the country the Fins were celebrating independence from........ ho hum.
Fell asleep on their finance minister on a different occasion, an' all! (Explain later)

A new Beginning

Well, it had to start somewhere, and I'm glad I've finally got around to it. Going to guess so far I'm no different to the other 154,635 people who started a blog today.

Well, OK then, I'll just have to try hard to make sure it's something different!

Welcome - Comment - Speak later