Thursday 22 October 2009


RING IT FROM THE CHURCH BELLS... Nick Griffin should be allowed to speak on BBC's Question Time.

Quite apart from the fact that we can't ignore the fact he has an electoral mandate, and we could not, should not, ignore those men and women who cast their vote.

But we should let him appear because he is going to prove the whole theory about why free speech is good for society. Tonight Nick Griffin is going to stand up (metaphorically) on national TV and show everyone he is a complete fuckwit.

And I welcome that.

Because there is a wider danger we are treading perilously close to falling into.

The Danger is that politics has become sidelined from dailylife. A select few who care enough to read a broadsheet will know how bad the BNP are, but to be honest, until I saw Nick Griffin speak the day after the European Election, even I didn't realise how bad they are.

And We select few decide to carry out our arguments and disagreements in private. That we should stop Nick Griffin speaking on Question Time, is to say that we are capable of resolving the issues our county faces, including extremism, behind the scenes and not to worry your pretty little innocent minds because we will take care of it for you.

Free Speech is about shining a light in dark corners and opening to the world to see what people actually believe.

We have to have faith that when his extremist points of view are laid bare to the country, the BNP will become less not more popular.

We have to have faith that every time they speak, we are capable of pointing out the idiocy of their argument, the hate and bile behind it and the damage they can do.

We have to have faith in ourselves that we can win the argument against racism and extremism.

And we have to have faith that the country will reject him and his ideas when they appreciatewhat they actually are.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Driving them underground makes them more attractive to those who are excluded from the mainstream so I see this as a good move because it will, hopefully, provide a platform for Fuckwitness on a grand scale.

However those attracted to the BNP probadly don't watch QT too often. I think a primetime broadcast of "BNP wives" would help the fight against them more...

The beauty is that the great thing about Britain is that we allow this to happen, that we welcome people to our shores and listen to what they have to say, whether it is right or wrong. We have always been more than just Anglo-saxon and that makes us Great...